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NCBTMB Cupping Classes This Spring

This spring Marie Healy, L.Ac., LMT and I once again are offering NCBTMB approved cupping classes for bodyworkers. We'll be teaching two introductory classes and an advanced class dealing with musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in therapeutic massage practices. Participants are able to go back to their practices and immediately start using their new skills.

Kathleen demonstrating cupping


Marie teaching cupping

Cupping can be an invaluable tool for massage therapists and other bodyworkers. It increases circulation and promotes healing. The suction of the cups is a nice complement to the pressure of massage. When doing deep tissue work, cups can make your work easier by loosening up muscle knots prior to massage. The best way to learn manual therapies is in live classes. There is plenty of time to practice, and we have good class interaction for questions and anecdotes about the work. If you've taken online cupping courses, this series will be a great hands-on addition to your knowledge.

Sign up at or call the clinic at 860-448-6766 to get more details.

Class dates are March 24 & 25 and May 6.

standing glass fire cups

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