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Cupping For Musculoskeletal Injuries

6 NCBTMB credits per class

Cupping For Musculoskeletal Injury Series focuses on treatment of injuries commonly seen by massage therapists. These classes build on the material in Introduction To Cupping For Bodyworkers 1 &2 (required). Each class is approved by NCBTMB for 6 CE credits.

In the first class we focus on Lower Extremity issues. This series will include discussion of meridian energetics of the area, and cupping techniques are combined with acupressure and therapeutic massage. As always, there will be plenty of time for practice, discussion, and Q&A. 

Both pump cups and silicone cups will be needed (not supplied). If you would like to purchase from us, please let us know in advance so we can have enough supplies on hand. 

Cupping For Muscuolskeletal  Injuries Series will add to your expertise so you can cup with confidence. 

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